MicroCombiChem GmbH
Place of Business / Billing Address:
Please notice the relocation of our Headquarter
from Wiesbaden to:
MicroCombiChem GmbH
iNovaParc, OG 26-27
Am Eichelgärtchen 36
56283 Halsenbach
Delieveries by Transporteurs & Couriers: GATE 1
Contact for all Requests and Orders:
E-Mail sales@microcombichem.com
Tel1 +49-(0)6747-949-19405
Tel2 +49-(0)611-962-5265
Fax1 +49-(0)6747-949-19402
Fax2 +49-(0)611-962-9265
General Contact, also for Catalogs and SDF Files:
Tel1 +49-(0)6747-949-1940
Tel2 +49-(0)611-962-5284
Fax1 +49-(0)6747-949-19402
Fax2 +49-(0)611-962-9265
Second Business Premise:
MicroCombiChem GmbH
c/o Synpura GmbH
Industrial Park Höchst, Bldg.G830
65926 Frankfurt am Main
Visitors' Entrance, Place Wiesbaden:
Industrial Park 'Kalle-Albert'
Kasteler Strasse 45, Tor Nord
MicroCombiChem GmbH
Building E258
65203 Wiesbaden